The Viewpark Conservation Group
Our Glen. This project is a documentary series focusing on the work of the Viewpark Conservation Group, a charity based in the North Lanarkshire area. The charity is responsible for achieving the largest community urban land buyout in Scottish history - after 19 years of grassroots organising. Pieces of this historic green space were sold to developers who built the Strathclyde Business Park, and the M8 motorway over the land. As a teenager I remember attending some meetings of the group, and feeling a profound sense of loss at the seemingly impossible task of challenging those in power to stop this destruction. The area of land purchased is known locally as Our Glen, and this is an ongoing documentation of the work that the charity and their volunteers are doing to regenerate the area for the local people and wildlife. Viewpark is a region which is within the top 5%-20% of the highest deprivation rates in Scotland, according to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020, meaning that there is a lot of poverty, less access to education, recreational facilities, etc. and the people of the area see little investments or successes. However, there is a strong sense of community, and in this instance the people won against all odds. The Glen is an area of importance for my family and I, having spent my childhood exploring the area with my Dad, siblings, and our dogs. It is where I developed my appreciation of and connection to nature, and is responsible for some of my happiest memories growing up. Now, 21 years since the charity first formed, and the seemingly impossible goal has been achieved, it's an honour document the progress to come throughout the years.